Brazilian Academic Agency for the Certification of Diplomas of Quality Foreign Higher Education Courses
WHAT WE DOAn Agency for quality that promotes international academic mobility
The first brazilian (independent) agency for the certification of quality foreign higher education courses
When you choose a foreign university to do your master or doctorate, we make the “background check” for you and provide “competency report” of the chosen university
With ABQUALIS seal, you are assured that your master or doctorate degree is legitimate and meets the conditions to be submitted to a recognition process in Brazil.
Quero realizar o meu exame de proficiência em língua(s) estrangeira(s) para processo seletivo de programa de pós-graduação fora do Brasil, nos formatos presencial ou live stream.
From 2015 to 2022, ABQUALIS granted more than 2,000 scholarships to students applying for masters and doctorates.
It is essential for the student to verify the origin of a foreign university and know if it is authorized by the higher education tutorial instances of its home country, and to have the guarantee that the diploma he will receive after the completion of his master or doctorate course is valid in its country of origin.